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Web platforms

A web platform can be used to offer a service to individuals (B2C) or companies (B2B). Users go through a registration flow to create an account and thus gain access to functionalities within the platform. An intuitive interface ensures a good user experience.

Our expertise

We specialize in custom solutions, but that doesn't mean we have to reinvent the wheel every time we work on a complex web platform. Web technology has undergone a tremendous evolution, making the building blocks for custom solutions much more accessible.

There are excellent tools and libraries available to address aspects such as authentication, payments, UX, content management, and various integrations with minimal code and great flexibility. Next.js is our preferred framework for building websites, and it is also perfectly suited to set up a complex, scalable, and easy-to-maintain web platform.

Before developing a web platform, a thorough analysis of its functionality is crucial. We can either work on an existing project or provide guidance throughout the entire process.

With the data from a web platform, different websites or even a native app can be powered. We offer our expertise in all aspects to make your project a success.

Our approach

We focus as much as possible on customization. Both in terms of content and form, we strive for the best match and help think about how we can achieve this. This is always done in mutual consultation, taking into account current and future needs and wishes. Communication and transparency are essential components of project management.



We discuss your concept together and prepare a quote.



In dialoog met alle betrokkenen brengen we aan de hand van wireframes en user stories de functionaliteiten in kaart



We receive a digital design or we use an existing UI framework to design your platform.



We will develop the project in several iterations (sprints). You remain closely involved throughout the process and we make adjustments where necessary. We provide automatic deployment and testing.



Through a maintenance contract (SLA), we give you peace of mind and ensure that the website remains up-to-date with (security) patches and optimizations.


Scale up

A web platform is a dynamic entity. We help you to give direction and to pivot or scale up when necessary.