Native apps

Native apps run on iOS and/or Android and can be installed through the app stores. They are developed specifically for mobile devices and can therefore use mobile features such as geolocation, notifications, camera...

Our expertise

We use Capacitor, a cross-platform framework ideal for business or content applications. Under-the-hood Capacitor also works  with a React application, allowing us to use our vast experience we have with it for developing native apps. 

Capacitor can be connected to external APIs to provide the app with the necessary data. For example, a content management system (CMS) can be used to manage data for the app externally. In this way, all possibilities are open.

Highly graphical apps with complex (3-dimensional) animations are outside our scope, think of games for example.

Our focus when developing a Native app:

  • Cross-platform development ensuring the app works on both Android and iOS
  • We provide a staging version that requires only a browser to view, to get quick feedback during the development phase
  • Content management in a smart structure so that recurring content can be managed centrally
  • Content changes flow automatically into the app, avoiding unnecessary updates through the app store
  • Caching of static files and content so that the app can also be used offline
  • Integration with a login system tailored to your app (e.g. via email, Facebook or itsme®)
  • Minimal download size of the app through automated compression
  • Automated workflows for both Android and iOS to publish new versions of the app, without manual intervention
  • We keep the app up-to-date with the constantly changing conditions of the app stores

Our approach

Bij het ontwikkelen van apps spelen we graag kort op de bal. Door snel zichtbare resultaten te tonen verzamelen we concrete feedback vroeg in het project. Van start tot finish werken we samen toe naar het gewenste resultaat.

When developing apps, we like to deliver rapidly. By quickly showing visible results, we collect concrete feedback early in the project. From start to finish, we work together toward the desired result.



We discuss your concept together and prepare a quote.



We receive a digital design in Photoshop, Sketch, InVision... Or we contact one of our freelance designers to create it for you.



Details regarding mobile display and small animations (hover states and transitions) may be included in the design, but equally we apply our own expertise here. We always try to stay as close as possible to a native experience.



We work out your concept in full and provide periodic feedback with results. The framework we use allows us to display the app in a regular brower. This allows us to show you the first versions with a simple preview link.



Together, we test the app by publishing test versions for both Android and iOS. We tweak it until it is completely to your liking.



We provide a system in which you can manage texts, images and translations of the content yourself.



For both Android and iOS, there is a lot of configuration work to publish your app in the app store. We provide support to make this go as smoothly as possible. Afterwards, we make sure your app becomes available.



We set up an automated workflow for both Android and iOS to publish new versions of the app smoothly. That way, we are always ready to incorporate feedback.



Through a maintenance contract (SLA), we give you peace of mind and ensure that the website remains up-to-date with (security) patches and optimizations. We keep the app up-to-date with the constantly changing conditions of the app stores.